Nancy A. Morris, Certified EFT Practitioner
About EFT
EFT Addresses the Cause:
Based on the ancient principles of acupuncture, EFT is a simple tapping procedure that gently realigns the body's energy system, without the discomfort of needles.  

Unlike other energy healing methods, EFT incorporates an emotional element to the healing process, addressing unresolved emotional issues.  

EFT is a very flexible improvement tool that can be used for just about everything.  My work is based on the core principles taught in the EFT Certification program and have had extraordinary results.  Complete training can be found at: EFT  
Matrix Reimprinting is a tool I sometimes use with EFT as a way to "redo" traumatic memories and relearn  more positive basic beliefs we have about how the world works. 

What You Can Expect:
You and I will use simple and pain-free techniques to alleviate negative emotions that bottle up your joy and potential.  These techniques are gentle and easy to learn so you may apply them yourself at home.  They are completely painless, require no supplements or equipment, and generally leave you feeling calm and balanced, yet pleasantly energized.  Over 90% of my clients are phone clients from across this country and other nations around the world.  

My Mission:
"My goal is to help others create the life they want for themselves.  Most of us want joy, peace of mind, and the ability to accept ourselves and others...  even when we're not perfect.  I am your partner and advocate in the work we do together to help you be the person you desire to be and have the life you want for yourself."

Can EFT Help Me?
It is hard to believe, I know, but EFT gets results on almost anything.  Gary Craig, the founder of EFT, says this:  "I've been doing energy healing work since 1991 and my jaw still drops at the results.  I've lost count of the number of phobias, panic/anxiety attacks, traumatic memories, guilt, grief and physical ailments that have been elegantly relieved (often in minutes) by this procedure.  Even though EFT violates just about every conventional belief out there, the results remain remarkable." - Gary Craig 

EFT isn't perfect, of course.  But it often works when nothing else will, and much faster than conventional talk therapy.

  • Some examples of emotional issues handled with EFT: 
  •  Preparing for an upcoming difficult situation (serious diagnosis/surgery, asking for a promotion/raise, going on an interview, giving a presentation, breaking up with a partner, depositions/court appearances).  You can approach these situations with calmness and confidence.  
  • People dealing with serious illness, in themselves or a loved one, have found calm acceptance and desire to enjoy life while they have it.  
  • Anger and frustration at a person or a situation usually dissolves into forgiveness, or at least acceptance.   You feel better and improve your immune system when not carrying around resentment, anger and the desire for revenge.  
  • The grip that past experiences of sexual abuse have on a person can be released and emotional freedom enjoyed once again.    More often than not, past sexual abuse strongly affects our current relationships and love life. 
  • The emotional "excess" and painful feelings we experience in our bodies during these times are relieved.  Often physical symptoms are relieved as a result of the emotional work.

I specialize in helping women and men increase their enjoyment of sensuality & sexuality:  allowing ease and pleasure during sexual activity, clearing the trauma from childhood molestation/sexual abuse, enhanced desire, improved libido and orgasmic ability, addressing premature ejaculation,  easing inhibitions and improving ability to communicate about sex are areas where I've had excellent success.  See "Testimonials" Page for client feedback as well as information on how to view my published articles.

My Background:  I have been a counselor for the past 16 years.  I am a cancer survivor of 15 years.  I received recognition as "2008 Grief Counselor of the Year" from the Marin County (CA) Family Services Agency.  In another area, understanding sexual pleasure has been an important part of my life.  I began serious study in 1989 with "Sex, Love and Intimacy" workshops run by the Human Awareness Institute; in 1992 I became an Intern with that organization and have assisted at workshops consistently since that time.  In 1993 I began taking classes with More University in Lafayette, CA;  they focus on all aspects of sexuality from communication all the way to "Expansion of Sexual Potential" -- a very intensive program that I was in for 2 years.  I am a Certified EFT Practitioner through EFT Universe and a Certified Matrix Reimpring Practioner.

Important note: While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it. Further, Nancy Morris is not a licensed health professional and offers EFT as an EFT Practitioner. Please consult qualified health care providers regarding your use of EFT.

EFT-CC, EFT-ADV, EFT Cert-1, Int. Practitioner-1,
Certified Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner